Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-8PM. Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM. Public Holidays: 9AM-5PM. 

Unravelling pet relocation estimates

Moving your pet from here to there… Really, how difficult can that be? Well in truth it’s not so much difficult as complex, time-consuming, and of course quite expensive, especially when you are not being provided with all of the right information and costs are either not being fully explained or fully included. This means […]

Holiday pet safety tips

Ah… It’s that time of year again when the festive season approaches, and we all look forward to our own version of “holidays”. In amongst all the joy, fun and “high spirits,” it can be easy to overlook the impact that our festivities can have on all those around us. By which we at GVC […]

Maggie’s story

Maggie has been coming to GVC for years for her annual check-ups, dental procedures, and boarding. Earlier this year, her family contacted GVC’s International Pet Relocation Team to help take Maggie back home to the USA with them. All necessary arrangements were made, and Maggie was scheduled to come to GVC’s five-star Cat Boarding Facility […]

The GVC pet health club – premium pet care for less!

HOW PLANNING AHEAD PAYS OFF AND HELPS YOU KEEP YOUR PETS HEALTHY! So, what is the GVC Pet Health Club? Simply put, it’s an innovation from the team at GVC that combines the very best service in preventative pet healthcare with unbeatable value; Premium Pet Care at Preferential Prices (if you will). In this article, […]

Top tips for raising a happy, healthy cat

HOW CAN CAT OWNERS HELP THEIR FELINE FRIENDS TO LIVE A HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIFE? As we all know, being chosen by a cat is a privilege and an honour, it is certainly not to be taken lightly and for those of us lucky enough to have been selected as suitable feline companions, we should […]

GVC global pet relocation advice

Purchase crates well in advance so that your pets can get used to their crate at home, in a safe environment, prior to travel. Take care to ensure that your crate is the right size for your pet – that they can sit upright, lie down and turn around freely. Research the best travel times […]

A parrot’s flight to Portugal

Let me introduce myself, I am Quack- Quack (Quackie to my friends) and I have just completed a huge adventure…. Twelve years ago, I had taken residence in the garden of a villa, and a very kind lady decided to adopt me, I became her pet and friend. I grew extremely attached to her over […]

An insight into cites

Our pets, whether furry, feathery, 2-legged or 4-legged, are part of our families and leaving them behind when we leave the UAE is, for most of us, not an option! However, some species can be more difficult to relocate than others. So, what does it mean if one of our precious pets is CITES protected? […]

Could your cat have toothache?

Cats are very good at hiding pain, and it can be quite difficult for you to look inside their mouths. So, how would you know if your cat has toothache? This was the case for one of our lovely patients, Eric, who is 12 years old. His owner noticed that Eric “just wasn’t quite himself” […]