Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-8PM. Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM. Public Holidays: 9AM-5PM. 

Senior health in our pets – how to help our furry friends enjoy their later years

At GVC we love all our pet patients, young and old! Kittens and puppies are wonderfully cute and as they age their personalities mature and their characters really emerge into the complex and adorable family members we cherish so much. For pet parents, the move from adult to “senior” or “mature”, however, can often happen […]

Unravelling pet relocation estimates

Moving your pet from here to there… Really, how difficult can that be? Well in truth it’s not so much difficult as complex, time-consuming, and of course quite expensive, especially when you are not being provided with all of the right information and costs are either not being fully explained or fully included. This means […]