Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-8PM. Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM. Public Holidays: 9AM-5PM. 

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Veterinary Behaviour Services

We love our pets.
They are part of our family.

But when they behave in ways that negatively affect our lives, bother our loved ones, or even put others in danger, it becomes stressful, frustrating, and difficult to live with them and can significantly affect and damage the bond and relationship we have with them.

Behavioural problems can result from underlying fear, anxiety, stress, trauma, genetic or learned components and medical conditions and can be complex to evaluate.

A Veterinary Behaviourist is in the unique position to diagnose both behavioural conditions and medical conditions that can cause or affect a pet’s behaviour. Oftentimes, training alone will not solve the problem and we require a different approach.

Do you need help with any of the following behaviour problems? If so, Dr.Katrin can help!

• Aggression

• Fears, anxieties, and phobias

• Separation Anxiety

• Noise phobias such as fear of fireworks and other noises

• Elimination problems such as toileting in the home or outside the litter box (cats)

• Unruly or uncontrollable behaviour

• Destructive behaviours

• Training difficulties

• Cognitive dysfunction syndrome in older pets

• Behaviour changes due to disease or pain

• Repetitive or compulsive disorders

• Puppy or kitten preventative visits

• Pre-selection consultation

• Preparing for life events such as moving house, air travel or a baby arriving in the family

Email to register your interest for a behaviour consultation.

Dr Katrin Jahn is the only qualified
Veterinary Behaviourist in the UAE and Middle East

Dr Katrin Jahn, DrMedVet, CertVA,
MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour), MRCVS

GVC’s Owner and Head Veterinarian, Dr Katrin Jahn, is currently in the process of becoming a specialist in Veterinary Behaviour Medicine through both the European as well as American Colleges of Animal Welfare and Behaviour Medicine, the first veterinarian in the Middle East to specialise in this field.

How can you work with Dr Katrin?


The first step is to book a Behaviour Consultation with Dr Katrin. Consultations usually last for around 90 minutes to 2 hours to provide enough time to gather a comprehensive history, observe your pet’s behaviour, discuss your concerns and goals in detail and then arrive at a diagnosis and develop a tailor made and achievable treatment plan.

Our treatment methods are based on scientific evidence and research and consist of environmental modification, appropriate behaviour modification techniques as well as owner education to provide an ethical, punishment free, welfare compatible way of approaching your pet’s behaviour.

If medical underlying causes are suspected, these can be addressed immediately, and suitable medical treatment will be recommended.

Your pet will never be subjected to methods that include punishment, startling, hurting, scaring, or shocking them. We can alleviate undesirable behaviours in pets while treating them with the kindness, gentleness, respect, and admiration they deserve. Our aim is to help your pet become the very best pet they can be and to support and, if necessary, restore your relationship with your pet!

Dr Katrin can help with problem behaviours in dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds and more, so please get in touch if you have a pet of a more unusual species that is exhibiting behaviours you are concerned about.

For behaviour problems in dogs, Dr Katrin works closely with GVC’s dog trainer (AKA Behaviour Modification Expert), Ilse Fourie, CBCCKA, DipCABT, CertCAB, MA, Fear Free Certified Trainer, who will usually also be present at the initial consultation. Dr Katrin and Ilse combine their unique knowledge and skillsets to provide the very best outcomes for your pet.

Email to register your interest for a behaviour consultation.