Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-8PM. Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM. Public Holidays: 9AM-5PM. 

Could your cat have toothache?

Cats are very good at hiding pain, and it can be quite difficult for you to look inside their mouths. So, how would you know if your cat has toothache? This was the case for one of our lovely patients, Eric, who is 12 years old. His owner noticed that Eric “just wasn’t quite himself” […]

The importance of grooming for your cat

Grooming is one of our cats’ most important natural behaviours and we can often witness them performing this ritual for large amounts of time during the day. If our cats stop grooming themselves, this is usually a sign that there is something wrong. It may be that they have sore mouths or that they have […]

Safety – one of your cat’s main motivators

We often ask ourselves – What is important to my cat? What does he or she need from me? What would they love me to provide?   Recent findings show that aside from obvious resources such as food, water, a clean and private place to toilet and love and attention from you, safety and security […]

Advice for new comers to Abu Dhabi

It is always a relief when your beloved pet arrives safely after air travel. However, there are a few other considerations to consider on arriving in a country which may have a very different culture and climate to your previous home. Here are a few tips and suggestions which may help make the transition to […]

Don’t be an expat with an expet.

As expats, we accept that we are living within a transient society and our base is often determined by work. It can be a wonderful lifestyle but along with it, we must expect the unexpected and live with the stresses that come our way. Being an expat can be isolating at times and many of […]

Travelling with your pets

Are you travelling with your pets this summer – here are some tips and products that will help to ease their journey. To sedate or not to sedate… One of the questions we get asked very frequently when it comes to pet transport is “Will / Can my pet be sedated when travelling?” The answer […]

A tale of 47 lives

A few years ago, GVC was called upon to help in the assessment, treatment, and care of 47 beautiful cats, who had been rescued from the most terrible of situations. Of course, we were more than happy to oblige, but I don’t think any of us expected the physical and emotional drain that the day […]

The mental health of ageing cats

Believe it or not, cats are deemed to be “mature” from the age of 7 years (equivalent to 44 human years) and “ageing” or “senior” from the age of 10 years (equivalent to 57 human years). Cats require a different level of care in these life-stages and one of the areas you may see a […]

Managing stress in cats

Believe it or not, cats are very prone to becoming stressed and can show this in many ways. Often, we as humans will not notice this until they show their stress in physical ways, either by becoming ill or showing unwanted behaviours. Cats are solitary and territorial animals and while many adapt well to a […]

Signs of poisoning in cats

How do I know whether my cat has been poisoned? To think that our cats may be poisoned either by ingesting a poison, being bitten by a poisonous animal or coming into contact with a poison by accident is one of the most frightening thoughts a cat owner can have. As a professional vet in […]