Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 8AM-8PM. Sat-Sun: 9AM-5PM. Public Holidays: 9AM-5PM. 

Our pet training philosophy and “The Three Cs”

Our pet training philosophy and “The Three Cs”

We are not a traditional Dog Training Facility or Puppy School, and you won’t find any other Pet Trainer or Veterinary Clinic like us in Abu Dhabi, or indeed many places in the world.

We believe in setting your dog up for success by teaching them Coping Skills and ways of behaving that will improve their behavioural health and welfare, fit into your home and allow them to cope with the demands of modern life in an urban and domestic setting, situations that perhaps not every dog was born into.

At German Veterinary Clinic (GVC) in Abu Dhabi, we approach training on a case-by-case basis and provide individual training plans for every stage of your dog’s life.

This will be facilitated by our amazing Behaviour Team, led by Dr Katrin Jahn, the region’s only Board-Certified Veterinary Behaviourist.

Everything we do incorporates the 5 Cs:

  • Calm
  • Confidence
  • Connection
  • Cognitive Abilities and
  • Coping Skills


Your pet will never be subjected to methods that include punishment, force, coercion, or fear.

We can train and alleviate undesirable behaviours in pets while treating them with the kindness, gentleness, respect, and compassion they deserve.

Training is not about commands and compliance; it is about giving your dog the emotional and physical confidence to cope in our world.

Our aim is to help your pet become the very best they can be and to support them to fit into a world living with humans.

Despite being referred to as “dog trainers”, we actually spend a lot of time coaching and educating the guardians and handlers (that’s you!) by empowering you with the knowledge you need to understand and teach your own dogs. This is done through a focus on understanding your pet’s body language, communication style and by helping you to build and strengthen your relationship with your dog.

This sets everyone up for success by giving them the skills they need.

There is no such thing as a bad dog or an untrainable dog, so come and see our Behaviour Team to see how we can help.

GVC’s Owner and Head Veterinarian, Dr Katrin Jahn, is the first and currently only Board-Certified Veterinary Behaviour Specialist in the Middle East.

Email to register your interest for our services.